expertly tailored physiotherapy for your animals needs.
Veterinary PhysiotherapyDiaries
Bonding With Your Dog
Have you got a new family member recently? Having a new dog in the family puppy or rescue can be difficult for the first few weeks getting to know one another, likes, dislikes and routines.
Join myself and Luna on a new experience bonding with your new companion.
The best canine to human relationships contain, trust, patients, understanding, consistency and love. Lets look at how we may go about this.
Think about how another dog may act with your dog, grooming each other, playing together, and learning from each other. As an owner you can be a part of these activities too, you can groom your dog with brushes and even washing him/her, you can play together get out toys or even play on the floor together (embrace your inner child). Learning new tricks and teaching your dog new commands can enhance your relationship with trust, and clear communication (AKC Staff, 2016).
Other pages that I read about bonding with my new rescue dog Luna suggest:
Keeping calm - no one likes a stress head - try not to freak out in situations that may usually upset or annoy you, your dog will respond to a calm person and will rely on you to relax.
Likes and dislikes - it is important to keep a mental note of these - make sure you know his/her favourite toys and foods so they can get the best of what makes them happy. Similarly, note any thing they really don't like - does you dog hate cuddles, head pats, specific scents or loud noises - don't subject your dog to these things.
Grooming - this releases 'feel good' hormones and often is an act completed by other dogs including your dogs mother at a young age and can make them feel at ease. Make sure you buy the best brushes for your dogs coat type otherwise it can cause irritation.
Canine Behaviour - There are many courses, leaflets, online documents and even reliable websites which can give you knowledge of what your dog is trying to tell you. such as facial expressions, vocalisations, and general body language. These cues will help you to start to work out what your dog wants from you and lead to better communication between you both.
As discussed above make sure that you start training your dog and teaching them tricks and manners, balance this out with play time and be a fun parent too.
The main thing is to spend time with your new companion and make them the centre of your world.
There are many websites and books to read, professionals to contact and groups to join which will all offer support to you and your dog at this time.
Feel free to contact me if you would like any advice or support as I can empathise and give advice that I may have used myself when bonding with my dog. Sometimes it is nice to know others are in the same boat.
Can physiotherapy help your cattle?
Are you aware of how physiotherapy can help your cattle, profitability and production rates?
Physiotherapy is rising in popularity for both companion, show and farmed cattle. But what is it we can hep with?
There are many conditions that are experienced by cattle that veterinary physiotherapy can help with,
Downer Cows
Calving Injuries
Wound Healing
Nerve Injuries
Gait abnormalities
Bulling injuries
Tendon/ ligament injuries
non-infectious hoof problems.
Any of these diseases and injuries that are experienced by the cattle can reduce welfare, productivity and profitability of your cattle. A dairy cow in pain may show a lameness, reduction in her milk yield, reduction in her milk quality, reduction in her feed intake, reduced fertility, reduced signs of oestrus or generally not coming bulling and may generally become unwell, loose condition or be unable to rise, what we know as a 'downer cow'. Similar observations may be made of a beef cow. Breeding bulls may not mount the cows, have a reduced libido or even a reduction of semen production/ quality. Calves with diseases and injuries may experience ill-thrift, poor growth, be prone to other diseases and may struggle in adult life.
All of these factors may have a negative impact on herd health, welfare, mental status, productivity and profitability. How can physiotherapy positively influence these factors?
Treatments can include:
Electrotherapies - These use electrophysical properties to change how the body reacts to aid healing. Different machines help with different things, some may reduce pain, increase bone growth, increase muscle or nerve stimulation, reduce inflammation or infection and may aid function of a body tissue.
Hydrotherapy - This uses the properties of the water including heat, buoyance, Viscosity and resistance to aid natural movement and reduce force through the limbs while building muscle and strength.
The resulting benefits of physiotherapy for cattle can include:
Increased milk yield
Increased fertility
Quicker recovery
No antibiotics
Reduced vet bills
Increased longevity
Increased welfare
If you think that your cattle may benefit from physiotherapy please feel free to contact myself for more information or your veterinarian for a referral.